AVVO is a great tool /web site to use before you choose a lawyer.

Jan 19, 2014

When selecting a lawyer there are many options in the marketplace.

You want to choose a lawyer that primarily practices in the area of law that you need assistance with, the same way you would choose a doctor. You wouldn’t select a doctor that is a knee specialist if you have a heart problem.

Therefore if you have a car that is a “lemon” it is important to use an attorney that focuses on consumer law—lemon law cases as their primary practice. This attorney will know all the tricks of the trade and potential pitfalls to avoid for your case so that you can get the best settlement.

AVVO is a great tool /web site to use before you select a lawyer. You will be able to see what past clients have said about the lawyer you may hire and what types of results that lawyer has been able to achieve. You will also be able to see whether a lawyer has ever been disciplined by their state bar at any time.

Whether past clients were happy with the way that lawyer handled their case is an important indicator as to how your potential case will be handled by the lawyer. Your case may be resolved rather quickly or may take several months to reach a resolution. Therefore it is important to choose a lawyer that other clients were happy with, as you will want a lawyer that handles your case diligently. A lawyer that timely returns your phone calls or emails, doesn’t make you feel like your just a # and has a track record of fighting the more difficult cases.

If you purchased a new or used vehicle and ended up with a lemon vehicle, call us for a free consultation at 1-888-611-5481. My firm will be able to quickly determine whether you are entitled to a new car, full refund or a cash settlement under the Pennsylvania Lemon Law, New Jersey Lemon Law or other consumer protection statutes. Both Rich Scholer and I have been helping consumers for a combined decade. We will work to either get your case settled quickly or take the case to Court to a get you a great result.

Experiencing Similar Issues?

If your car was manufactured between 2021 and 2025 we may be able to help. Contact us for more information.
