The Benefits of Choosing a Lemon Law Attorney
You have come to a point where your new or used vehicle has been in to the dealership too many times for the same problem or too many times for all sorts of problems.
Its beyond frustrating—you need a resolution.
The advantages of hiring a lemon law attorney for a lemon law claim:
a) Representation is free.
A lemon law attorney can represent you against a manufacturer free of charge for your claim. That gives you the ability to stand on equal footing in Court against a large corporation that has easy access to counsel.
The attorney will advance all costs for Court, legal work and expert inspections. You will not be responsible for the costs of the case—win or lose.
b) Independent Expert Inspection of your vehicle.
Your lemon law attorney can have an expert mechanic examine your vehicle. This will allow the attorney to get the heart of the problem quickly, especially in cases where the dealership has told a consumer their problem cannot be duplicated.
c) Ability to Take the Case to Court / Fast Results.
You need an attorney that is willing to go to Court. This will give you the best leverage towards a favorable settlement. Manufacturers know what attorneys are willing to go to Court and put the time into a case.
Choosing an attorney that will work hard on your case will yield the best results to get your case resolved in a timely manner.
d) Resolution for your Lemon.
You could go it alone, just as you could buy or sell a house on your own, but I wouldn’t recommend it. A lemon law attorney can advise you as to the potential remedies for your case so that can make an informed decision as to the resolution of your lemon law claim.