Toyota 4Runner Owners Allege Excessive Frame Rust, Too

Is frame rust on certain Toyota 4Runner’s dangerous?

Auto defects attorneys remember the large Toyota class-action rust lawsuit settlement of 2016 that impacted 2005-2010 Tacomas, 2007-2008 Tundras and2005-2008 Sequoia trucks. The automaker reportedly admitted the frame rust on those models was “unrelated to and separate from normal surface rust which is commonly found on metallic surfaces after some years of usage”.

The excessive rust and corroded suspensions were due to the affected models not receiving enough corrosion-resistant protection when manufactured.

Now Toyota 4Runner owners assert that their vehicles suffer from the same inadequate corrosion resistant protection and the same resulting dangerous rust and corrosion problems—and many of them won’t even know it until the suspension breaks.

Among the complaints in the proposed Toyota 4Runner class action rust lawsuit are allegations that:

  • Toyota knew of the rust problem because of the earlier class action suit involving Tacomas, Tundras, and Sequoia trucks.
  • Toyota “deceived” 4Runner drivers by not repairing all the SUVs—thereby misleading owners into believing the 4Runners were safe from rust issues.
  • Toyota, on a very limited basis, offered 4Runner owners allegedly inadequate repairs rather than official recalls.

That unless the 4Runner’s undercarriage is “specifically inspected” the rust problem can’t be detected until the suspension breaks from excessive corrosion (which is what allegedly happened to the named plaintiff).

The Toyota 4Runner frame lawsuit includes 2005- 2011 Toyota4Runners with frames manufactured by the Dana Holding Corporation.

Fortunately, Pennsylvania and New Jersey breach of warranty attorneys can often help consumers who may have been wronged by an auto manufacturer. Consumer protection laws protect buyers against products that are defective or malfunction and whose sellers fail to remedy the problem. The laws require sellers to stand behind their products and to correct problems when they occur. There are both federal and state-level warranty laws.

If you feel you have a breach of warranty claim, or think you might be driving a lemon because your new or relatively new vehicle has been in the shop repeatedly for the same stubborn repair, the Law Offices of Timothy Abeel & Associates can help you. Depending on the nature of your problem you may be entitled to a full refund of your down payment, trade-in, monthly payments and taxes, or a brand-new car or a cash settlement.  Contact us today for a free consultation.

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